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  • Press releases

Guarantees and offers remain at high levels

EKN's Interim Report January - August 2019. Guarantees for the period amounted to SEK 41.1 billion, which was down slightly on last year's very high level. Guarantees to small and medium-sized companies have continued to increase.

Guarantees and offers remain at high levels

  • Press releases

EKN welcomes new board mem­ber Jan Wäreby

The Government has appointed EKN's Board of Directors for the period July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020. Jan Wäreby is new to the Board. Ingrid Dovlin and Fredrika Gullfot leave their assignments.

EKN welcomes new board mem­ber Jan Wäreby

  • Press releases

Increase in gua­ran­teed tran­sac­tions

Business activity was high in the first four months of 2019 with EKN issuing more new guarantees and more offers year-on-year. In terms of volumes, guarantees increased 19 per cent and offers 21 per cent. Moreover, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using EKN continued to grow.

Increase in gua­ran­teed tran­sac­tions

  • Press releases

Numerous tran­sac­tions and high gua­ran­tee vo­lumes

Guarantees amounted to SEK 56.8 billion and encompassed 2,082 export transactions to 129 countries. The number of SMEs using EKN is rising.

Numerous tran­sac­tions and high gua­ran­tee vo­lumes