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EKN assesses all export transactions in terms of the corruption risk and takes measures in accordance with the OECD’s recommendations concerning anti-corruption.*

All transactions with an elevated risk of corruption are examined. This could concern transactions with exports to countries that are particularly exposed to corruption**, exports to public sector buyers or transactions with one party with a history of corruption or under investigation for bribery. Transactions completed with the assistance of an agent are also subjected to a separate assessment.

EKN poses questions as part of its assessment of the transaction and the parties involved. The nature and scope of these questions depend on the identified risks. However, the exporter’s anti-corruption system and own assessment always comprise important components of the assessment.

If you are made aware of any irregularities, bribes or other unfair benefits in the transaction, EKN must always be informed. The informant can remain anonymous. An application can be declared dormant or be rejected. If any suspicion of corruption arises following the issuance of the guarantee, it can be declared dormant and damages can be denied until the suspicion of corruption is eliminated.


The company must be transparent to all tax authorities by, conscientiously, reporting and paying tax in time and running operations with a commercial rather than tax-driven mindset. The company must follow the applicable tax legislation and the OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidelines.

Sustainable lending

EKN follows the OECD’s principles for sustainable lending. The principles are part of the OECD’s good governance efforts and aim to avoid unsustainable public debt in low-income countries, partly as a result of export credits. This means that EKN has committed to not guaranteeing transactions with public sector buyers in a country if the country has filled its limit for commercial borrowing.

The limits are determined by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and/or the World Bank and compiled in a list by the OECD. The list is published on the OECD’s website and updated each quarter. The limits only pertain to public sector commercial borrowing in low-income countries.

The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute

EKN is a supporting member of IMM, the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute The organisation works to combat corruption and bribery, and to support society’s players in managing corruption risks.


EKN has a whistleblowing service where you can report suspicions of irregularities within EKN.

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