Press images
Welcome to EKN's image gallery where you can find images of our management and employees as well as the current country risk map.

Anna-Karin Jatko
Director General
Image 1: landscape format
Image 2 and 3: portrait format
Image carousel
Beatrice Arnesson
Director of Communications
Photo: Jan Danielsson

Lena Bertilsson
Director of Business Area for Large Corporates
Photo: Jenny Thörnberg

Johan Dahl
Senior Country Analyst
Photo: Jenny Thörnberg

Carl-Johan Karlsson
Director of Business Area for SME and Midcorp
Photo: Teodor Axlund
High resolution image is in portrait format.

Stefan Karlsson
Chief Economist
Photo: Jenny Thörnberg

André Lundvall
Senior Country Analyst
Photo: Jenny Thörnberg

Karin Wessman
Head of Sustainability
Photo: Lasse Karkkainen

For other pictures, please contact EKN's press officer.

Web page last updated