Amulsar Gold Mine Project, Armenia
Amulsar is a proposed open pit gold mine and heap leach project located in central Armenia. The duration of the project comprises two years of construction, 10 years of active operations, followed by closure and rehabilitation.
Key environmental issues for the project are related to flora and fauna where biodiversity management plans and offset programs have been developed to manage the impacts related to the plant Potentilla Porphyrantha and brown bear. The project was designed to avoid physical displacement, but will now however displace one household physically. The Project has implemented a thorough process of public consultation and disclosure. No indigenous peoples have been identified in the area.
Amulsar project is classified as a category A-project. Additional information on the environmental and social impacts is available in the following web link and document:
The information was published on EKN's website on May 17th, 2016. Comments on the project can be made within 30 days. This procedure is in accordance with the OECD Recommendation on Common Approaches for ECAs.
Web page last updated