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Becoming an EKN Online user

In order to become an EKN Online user you log in with your electronic identification (eID) and accept that EKN can store your personal data for this purpose. You can find an online services agreement on EKN Online.

An online services agreement for EKN Online comprises the following:

  • Online services agreement for EKN Online
  • General Terms and Conditions for EKN Online
  • Power(s) of attorney for EKN Online

Authorisation for a company account

In conjunction with signing the online services agreement, the account holder issues a power of attorney to a user that provides said user with authority to act as the account administrator.

Thereafter, the administrator can, on behalf of the account holder, authorise additional users to use the company account to perform tasks on behalf of the account holder.

However, the administrator is unable to appoint other administrators. If a user is connected to several company accounts, a power of attorney is required for each company account.

How do I access an existing company account?

If you wish to connect to an existing company account, you can log in to EKN Online and create a user. You can then state the account number connected to the company account. The administrator will then be able to approve your connection to the company account.

How do I revoke user access to a company account?

An account administrator can revoke access for a user that is to no longer have authorization to a company account in EKN Online. The user can also remove themselves.

You can find Remove a user from an account under “Accounts”/”select account to open”/”User”/”select name of user”/”Display”.


General Terms and Conditions EKN Online

The file is a PDF document

Download the document
A photo montage illustrating eID.

Available eID methods

To log in to EKN Online and use EKN’s services, you require electronic identification.

Available eID methods

Login, Create a New Account and Different User Levels – Step by Step

1. Login

Access EKN Online by logging in with your e-identification. Once logged in, you can apply for an account.

5. Send the originals to EKN

If sending by post, please use the following address:
P.O. Box 3064
SE-103 61 Stockholm

If sending by courier, please use this address:
Kungsgatan 36, 6th floor
SE-111 35 Stockholm

Please address the documents to EKN only (not to any specific individual) to ensure swift handling.

If you require urgent access to EKN Online, you may email the signed documents to for temporary access, allowing you to submit an application. However, EKN requires receipt of the original documents within 14 days.

A photo montage illustrating eID.

Available eID methods

To log in to EKN Online and use EKN’s services, you require electronic identification.

Available eID methods

Web page last updated