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The benefits of EKN's guarantees are numerous. The companies cover the risk that the customer does not pay. The banks cover their risk on companies in operating and investment financing. Banks that give loans to buyers of Swedish goods and services also use EKN's guarantees.

Guarantees for exporting companies

EKN has various guarantees that protect against payment risks in your export business.

Are you unsure which guarantee is right for your business? Try our guarantee guide.

Icon creditcard

Guarantee for trade receiv­ables

The guarantee for trade receivables covers the risk of your foreign buyer failing to make payments as per the agreement. The guarantee is used for credit periods not exceeding 12 months.

Guarantee for trade receiv­ables
icon agreement

Guarantee for loss on claim for exporter

The guarantee for loss on claim covers the risk that your foreign buyer fails to make payments as per the agreement. The guarantee is used for credit periods exceeding 12 months.

Guarantee for loss on claim for exporter
icon factory

Guarantee for loss on pro­duc­tion and loss on claim

The guarantee for loss on production and loss on claim can take the form of the exporter as guarantee holder or with the exporter and a bank as guarantee holders in combination. The guarantee with the exporter as guarantee holder is described here.

Guarantee for loss on pro­duc­tion and loss on claim
icon lifebuoy

Guarantee for unfair calling

EKN’s guarantee for unfair calling is aimed at exporters who need contract guarantees issued.

Guarantee for unfair calling
icon cultivation

Green export credit guarantee

The green export credit guarantee is a guarantee for exports that contribute to the climate transition. With this guarantee, exporters and banks can insure up to 100 per cent of the value of a transaction to protect themselves from the risk of non-payment.

Green export credit guarantee

Guarantees for banks

Multiple guarantees share the bank's risk with the exporting company, which increases credit space. Loans to the buyer in an export transaction, discounted bills of exchange and confirmed letters of credit can also be insured.

Crossed-out credit card

Buyer Credit Guarantee

The Buyer Credit Guarantee in favour of banks covers non-payment by the borrower under the Credit Agreement.

Buyer Credit Guarantee
Icon factory

Combined guarantee

The combined guarantee for loss on production and loss on claim is available in two versions: either with the exporter as guarantee holder or with the exporter and a bank as guarantee holders in combination.

Combined guarantee
Icon: old scale

Counter guarantee

Banks and other issuers of contract guarantees can share the risk with EKN with a counter guarantee. EKN’s counter guarantee covers the issuer’s recourse risk on the seller if the beneficiary, normally the buyer, requests payment.

Counter guarantee
icon: check

Bill of ex­change guarantee

The bill of exchange guarantee is aimed at banks that acquire bills of exchange in an export transaction. The guarantee covers non-payment of the bill of exchange.

Bill of ex­change guarantee
Icon: money bag with a percentage symbol

Letter of credit guarantee

With a letter of credit guarantee, the bank shares its risk in confirmed letters of credit with EKN. 50 per cent of the total confirmed amount can be guaranteed by EKN. The length of validity and credit period that can be accepted depends on EKN’s risk assessment.

Letter of credit guarantee
 Icon: seat belt

Working capital credit guarantee

With a working capital credit guarantee, a bank shares the risk with EKN when providing working capital credit guarantees in the form of loans, invoice financing or overdraft facilities.

Working capital credit guarantee
Icon: seed in soil

The Export Leap

The Export Leap is a working capital credit guarantee for growth companies and a special investment in a company at an early stage of its growth journey.

The Export Leap
Icon: windmills

Green credit guarantee

With the green credit guarantee, EKN shares the bank’s risk when issuing a loan, overdraft or revolving credit facility for green investments or green operations in Sweden.

Green credit guarantee
Icon: pickaxe striking stone

Credit Guaran­tee to secure access to raw ma­te­ri­als

The credit guarantee to secure access to raw materials is a credit guarantee in favour of banks and covers non-payment by the supplier under the credit agreement.

Credit Guaran­tee to secure access to raw ma­te­ri­als
Icon: Bank building

Guarantee for in­vest­ment credits

With a guarantee for investment credits, a bank or Almi shares the risk with EKN when the bank provides investment credits. EKN reimburses for any loss with 50 per cent of the credit outstanding.

Guarantee for in­vest­ment credits

 Guarantees for investors or financiers of investment loans

Icon: factory

Investment gua­ran­tee

The investment guarantee covers the risk of loss due to political events associated with investment or investment loans abroad.

Investment gua­ran­tee

More about guarantees

Guarantee guide

Are you unsure which guarantee is the best fit for your specific transaction? Try our guarantee guide.

Guarantee guide
Close-up of wheat from a field in Ukraine

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about the Ukrai­ne Fa­ci­li­ty

Here we collect the most frequently asked questions about our guarantee regulation on export credit guarantees to Ukraine.

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about the Ukrai­ne Fa­ci­li­ty

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