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This guarantee can be applied for by the bank.

This is EKN's Buyer Credit Guarantee

The Buyer Credit Guarantee covers events that may occur from and including the day when the claim arises, which is normally upon utilisation under the Credit Agreement.

Transactions that can be guaranteed

You can apply for the Buyer Credit Guarantee for different types of foreign transactions associated with the export of goods and services. EKN can cover both small and large scale transactions with this guarantee.

How to apply for the Buyer Credit Guarantee

The Buyer Credit Guarantee is available in EKN Online. For further information about EKN Online read About EKN Online.

How it works

The Buyer Credit Guarantee is based on a Guarantee Agreement. Below is the process showing the steps up to confirmation of utilisation.

1. Apply for Guarantee

Apply in EKN Online in good time before the first utilisation. The Exporter(s) shall submit Exporter Declaration(s). EKN will require, amongst other, financial information regarding the borrower. 

Premium payment methods are described below in 5 Report utilisations.

2. Execute Guarantee Agreement

The Guarantee Agreement is entered into between EKN and the Guarantee Holder, which not the least includes the General Conditions and the Special Conditions (which set out the agreed special terms and conditions for the transaction). 

When EKN has signed the Guarantee Agreeement it is published in EKN Online for authorisation (signing) by the Guarantee Holder. It is executed when the Guarantee Holder has signed the Guarantee Agreement in EKN Online.

3. Report Credit Agreement Signing Date

Credit Agreement Signing Date - Report in EKN Online when the Credit Agreement Signing Date has occurred. This shall be reported as soon as possible and in any event within one month of such date taking place. An extension of the last possible Credit Agreement Signing Date can be applied for.

4. Notify Effective Date

Effective Date - Notify in EKN Online fulfilment of the conditions for each Effective Date, that includes the standard conditions as well as any transaction specific conditions. EKN will send a confirmation of Effective Date.

Advance payment of the premium - If the premium is payable up front there is an option to make an advance payment of the premium in connection with notifying the Effective Date.

5. Report utilisations

First utilisation - Report utilisations in EKN Online as soon as possible and in any event within one month of such utilisations taking place. EKN will send a confirmation of utilisation. Please ensure to check the repayment schedule in EKN Online and adjust any dates or amounts as relevant. 

Further utilisations - Report further utilisations in EKN Online as soon as possible and in any event within one month of such utilisations taking place. EKN will send a confirmation of utilisation. Please ensure to check the updated repayment schedule in EKN Online and adjust any dates or amounts as relevant. 

Premium payment methods

  • Premium up front - Payment of premium in full in connection with first utilisation under each facility/tranche or in advance in connection with notifying the Effecitve Date.
  • Premium per utilisation - Payment of premium in connection with each utilisation.
6. Notify non-payment

Notify in EKN Online non-payment by an Obligor within:

  • one month from the due date of any Covered Amount under the Guarantee Agreement; or
  • two months from the due date of any material amount under any other indebtedness.

Notify EKN without undue delay in case of becoming aware of, inter alia:

  • an Obligor having financial difficulties;
  • anything else that might put payments at risk; or
  • any breech by an Obligor in relation to environmental or social matters, laws and regulations regarding sanctions, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering or anti-terrorist financing.



You can find the documents required to apply for a guarantee here. You can apply primarily via EKN Online.


General Terms and Conditions for Buyer Credit Guarantees

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Lender's Confirmation

Instructions and forms

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The Swedish export credit system

To facilitate and promote exports and the internationalisation and competitiveness of Swedish industry, Sweden offers a government backed export credit system. 

Download the document to read more.


The Swedish export credit system


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Download the document

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