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With a guarantee for investment credits, a bank or Almi shares the risk with EKN when the bank provides investment credits. EKN reimburses for any loss with 50 per cent of the credit outstanding.
This guarantee can be applied for by the bank.
Guarantees for investment credits make it easier for small and medium-sized exporting companies to invest in production facilities and machinery in Sweden. Subcontractors to small and medium-sized companies can also use the guarantee.
The guarantee for investment credits is issued to banks and other credit institutions that provide credit to small and medium-sized companies with a maximum of 250 employees and a maximum of SEK 500 million in turnover. Subcontractors to exporting companies can also utilise the guarantee.
The loan must be for the purpose of financing production facilities or machinery and can also be used in connection with leasing. If the investment is not related to specific export transactions, a significant part of the borrower’s turnover must consist of the export of Swedish goods and services. The credit may be given up to a maximum of seven years.
EKN can issue guarantees for investment credits for loans that pertain to the financing of production facilities or machines. The guarantee can also be used in connection with leasing. If the application concerns a loan that is not intended to finance a specific export transaction, the borrower’s operations must involve Swedish exports, directly or indirectly, and the business must be of significant Swedish interest.
EKN can also issue a green guarantee for investment credits when the borrower is a subcontractor for an exporting company. If the investment is not related to specific export transactions, a significant part of the exporting company’s turnover must consist of the export of Swedish goods and services.
Send an application for a guarantee for investment credits together with the borrower’s supplementary form to EKN at the latest by the date that the loan agreement is entered into. Attach your own risk assessment of the borrower. EKN conducts a risk assessment. If it is acceptable, an offer is submitted.
If you would like to accept the offer, apply to EKN for the guarantee to be issued. Your application must have been received by EKN at the latest ten days after the loan agreement has been entered into.
In the guarantee that you will receive from EKN, you will find information about how and when the premium is to be paid. The premium is typically paid on the due date for interest and fees in the guaranteed loan agreement.
The forms for this guarantee are only available in Swedish. You can find the documents required to apply for a guarantee on our Swedish website.
Please contact us at +46 8 788 00 00 or affarssupport@ekn.se if you have any questions.
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